Saturday 9 June 2012


Summary of medical

There is no law says that how old children must be before they go to the doctor alone. The best way is that they need call to doctor previously before they see doctor. Before doctors accept children's consent for medical treatments, they will consider if children are able to understand the advantages and risks of the treatments. Doctors usually keep confidential about their patients. However, they may be legally required to tell others or government authority if they are worried about children's health and safety. There is no age limit preventing children from buying and getting advice about contraceptions except medical contraceptives.They can only get medical contraceptives from doctors. In addition, to get a Medicare card, children must first enrolled in Medicare. Then they can get their own Medicare card at the age of 15 or older. Their parents will not have acess to children's records. If chileren are younger than 15,they might be able to have their own card, but remain listed on their parents'card, which means that parents have access to children's records.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Obesity in children

Read the fact sheet about obesity in children and answer the questions:
1 What is obesity?
Obesity is overweight or obese.

2 What are the reasons for obesity in children?
The main reasons are: unhealthy food choices, lack of physical activity, Spending a lot of time on sedentary pursuits as well as overweight parents and some rare gene disorders.

3 Is obesity only a national problem?
No, it is a worldwide probem.

4 What do statistics show?
The number of overweight children in Australia has more than tripled, which becomes a serious problem.

5 What is making the obesity problem worse?
-The cost of food has gone down and people buy food outside.
-The use of cars has increased.
-The role of physical education in the school curriculum has reduced.

6 Does obesity have an impact on children's health?

7 If yes, explain how?
There are potential health problems for obese children, which include: type 2 diabetes, eating disorders, orthopaedic disorders, liver problems, respiratory disorders, sleep apnoea, cardiomyopathy.

8 What are the other impacts caused by obesity in children?
They are more likely to have low self-esteem and obesity may impact on other aspects of their lives, such as the development of friendships and competency at school. In addition, children who are obese tend to become obese adults.

9 What is the treatment?
-Change to healthy lifestyle
-Change to healthy diet
-Be involved in physical activity

Thursday 23 February 2012

time line of Nelson

1918  Nelson born in Transkei, South Africa
1942  completed his university in law
1944  joined the African National Congress(ANC)
1948  resistanted the ruling National Party's apartheid policies
1961  acquitted of treasonable trial
1962  arrested and sentenced to five years' imprisonment
1964  sentenced to life imprisonment for plotting to overthrow the government  by violence
1990  released after 26 years’ imprisonment
1991  elected President of ANC